Select region:

Kimberley Region

The Kimberley Health Region is organised so that Integrated District Health Services support the smaller hospitals in the region to deliver care and when required, transfer patients to the more specialised, larger hospitals in Broome and Kununurra or metropolitan tertiary hospitals. This level of integration enables the appropriate and safe care of patients in suitably equipped and appropriately resourced facilities, according to the acuity of the patient. This allows the patient to receive care closer to home, where possible, and reduce the need to travel to Perth for treatment.
There are two major hospital facilities in the Kimberley region, located in Broome and Kununurra. These support smaller regional hospitals in Derby, Fitzroy Crossing, Halls Creek and Wyndham.
- Broome Health Campus
60 bed hospital
General Medicine, General Surgery, Paediatrics and Obstetrics/Gynaecology, Paediatric Unit and Psychiatric Unit - Derby Regional Hospital
Medical, Surgical, Paediatric, maternity and Emergency Services
- Halls Creek District Hospital
Hospital and Emergency services
- Kununurra Primary Health Centre
Community Health, Mental Health and Drug Service, Allied Health, Aboriginal Health
- Wyndham District Hospital
Hospital and Emergency services
Pilbara Region

The Pilbara Health Region is organised so that Integrated District Health Services support the smaller hospitals in the region to deliver care and, when required, transfer patients to the more specialised, larger hospitals in Newman, South Hedland and Karratha or metropolitan tertiary hospitals. This level of integration enables the appropriate and safe care of patients in suitably equipped and appropriately resourced facilities, according to the acuity of the patient. This allows the patient to receive care closer to home, where possible, and reduce the need to travel to Perth for treatment.
There are three major hospital facilities in the Pilbara region, located in Newman, South Hedland and Karratha. These support smaller regional hospitals in Onslow, Paraburdoo, Roebourne and Tom Price.
- Hedland Health Campus
Emergency department, two operating theatres, in-patient beds, medical imaging x-ray services, pathology, domiciliary care unit, geriatric assessment unit, maintenance renal dialysis unit, obstetric and paediatric services, aged care services, mental health services, drug and alcohol services, outpatient and allied health services
- Karratha Health Campus
40 beds
Emergency, CT scanner, surgical ward, maternity wing and delivery suites, outpatients, child health and allied health - Newman Hospital
12 beds
Emergency, outpatients, dental service, medical imaging and pathology, allied health - Onslow Hospital
6 Beds
Emergency, telehealth, digital imaging, outpatients, child and community health, mental health, allied health. - Paraburdoo Hospital
Hospital and Emergency services
- Roebourne Hospital
Hospital and Emergency services
- Tom Price Hospital
Hospital and Emergency services
Goldfields Region

The Goldfields Health Region is organised so that Integrated District Health Services support the smaller hospitals in the region to deliver care and, when required, transfer patients to the more specialised, larger hospitals in Esperance and Kalgoorlie or metropolitan tertiary hospitals.
This level of integration enables the appropriate and safe care of patients in suitably equipped and appropriately resourced facilities, according to the acuity of the patient. This allows the patient to receive care closer to home, where possible, and reduce the need to travel to Perth for treatment.
The district hospitals of Esperance and Kalgoorlie are supported by smaller hospitals in Laverton, Leonora, Norseman and Ravensthorpe, and a number of health centres/nursing posts and clinics throughout the Goldfields region.
- Esperance Health Campus
Emergency services, emergency decontamination, acute mental health, operating theatres, day surgery, maternity and specialist nursery.
- Kalgoorlie Health Campus
Emergency, theatre, acute surgical, acute medical, specialist physician, acute psychiatry mental health inpatient unit, chemotherapy and cancer services, day surgery, High Dependency Unit, medical imaging, obstetrics/gynaecology, pathology, outpatients, paediatrics, palliative care, allied health
- Laverton Hospital
Hospital and emergency services
- Leonora Hospital
Hospital and emergency services
- Norseman Hospital
Hospital and emergency services
South West Region

The South West Health Region is organised around the South West Health Campus in Bunbury, as the major ‘hub’ for public health services. A range of regional services is co-ordinated from Bunbury to support Integrated District Health Services, smaller hospitals, multi-purpose services and nursing posts throughout the region.
The region’s Integrated District Health Services – located in Busselton, Margaret River, Collie, and Manjimup – support the smaller hospitals in the region to deliver care and, when required, transfer patients to the more specialised, larger hospitals in Bunbury or metropolitan tertiary hospitals.
This level of integration enables the appropriate and safe care of patients in suitably equipped and appropriately resourced facilities, according to the acuity of the patient. This allows the patient to receive care closer to home, where possible, and reduce the need to travel to Perth for treatment.
Bunbury is also the base of the region’s only private hospital facility – St John of God Hospital.
- Augusta Hospital
Emergency services, domiciliary care, geriatric assessment and nursing home care.
- Boyup Brook Soldiers Memorial Hospital
Emergency services, domiciliary care, geriatric assessment and nursing home care.
- Bridgetown Hospital
Emergency services, domiciliary care, geriatric assessment, obstetric services and nursing home care.
- Bunbury Regional Hospital
24-hour emergency, acute psychiatric unit, coronary care unit, cancer centre, domiciliary care unit, geriatric assessment unit, hospice care unit, maintenance renal dialysis unit, obstetric services, paediatric services and a dental unit.
- Busselton Health Campus
Emergency department, ward and day surgery facilities, operating theatres and birthing suites, dental services, renal dialysis services, a community mental health centre, community aged care, ongoing care and rehabilitation, child development and health services and immunisations.
- Collie Health Service
Emergency services, domiciliary care, geriatric assessment and obstetric services.
- Donnybrook Hospital
Emergency services, domiciliary care, geriatric assessment and nursing home care.
- Harvey Health Service
Emergency services, domiciliary care, geriatric assessment and nursing home care.
- Margaret River Hospital
Emergency services, domiciliary care, geriatric assessment and obstetric services.
- Nannup Hospital
Emergency services, domiciliary care, geriatric assessment and nursing home care.
- Pemberton Hospital
Emergency services, domiciliary care, geriatric assessment and nursing home care.
- St John of God Hospital
145 Beds
Private hospital that is co-located with the public Bunbury Regional Hospital at the South West Health Campus.
Maternity, surgical, medical, oncology, renal, palliative care services, allied health service. - Warren Health Service
Emergency services, domiciliary care, geriatric assessment and obstetric services.
Wheatbelt Region

The Wheatbelt Health Region is organised so that Integrated District Health Services support the smaller hospitals in the region to deliver care and, when required, transfer patients to the more specialised, larger hospitals in Narrogin, Northam, Merredin and Moora or metropolitan tertiary hospitals.
This level of integration enables the appropriate and safe care of patients in suitably equipped and appropriately resourced facilities, according to the acuity of the patient. This allows the patient to receive care closer to home, where possible, and reduce the need to travel to Perth for treatment.
The four district hospitals of Narrogin, Northam, Merredin and Moora are supported by smaller hospitals, primary health care demonstration sites, health centres/nursing posts and clinics throughout the Wheatbelt region.
In addition, the private St John of God Hospital located in Midland services Wheatbelt residents.
- Beverley Health Service
Emergency services, domiciliary care, hospice and nursing home care.
- Boddington Hospital
Emergency services, domiciliary care, hospice and nursing home care.
- Bruce Rock Memorial Hospital
Emergency services, domiciliary care, hospice and nursing home care.
- Corrigin Health Service
Emergency services, domiciliary care, hospice and nursing home care.
- Cunderdin Health Centre
Emergency services, domiciliary care, hospice and nursing home care.
- Dalwallinu Health Service
Emergency services, domiciliary care, hospice and nursing home care.
- Dumbleyung Memorial Health Service
Emergency services, hospice and nursing home care.
- Goomalling Health Service
Emergency services, domiciliary care, hospice and nursing home care.
- Kellerberrin Memorial Health Service
Emergency services, domiciliary care, hospice and nursing home care.
- Kondinin Districts Health Service
Emergency services, domiciliary care, hospice and nursing home care.
- Kununoppin Health Service
Emergency services, domiciliary care, hospice and nursing home care.
- Lake Grace Hospital
Emergency services, domiciliary care, hospice and nursing home care.
- Merredin Health Service
Emergency services, rehabilitation, palliative care, medical imaging, sterilising services, domiciliary care, hospice and nursing home care, Aboriginal health, allied health and outpatient services.
- Moora Health Service
Emergency services, general medical, outpatients, respite and residential, domiciliary care, hospice and nursing home care.
- Narembeen Memorial Health Service
Emergency services, domiciliary care, hospice and nursing home care.
- Narrogin Health Service
Emergency department, hospice care, obstetric services and oncology, psychiatric and rehabilitation, theatre, procedure room and sterilising, dental and chemotherapy services
- Northam Health Service
Emergency department, domiciliary care, hospice care, obstetric services, cancer and renal services, community mental health, a rehabilitation unit and allied health.
- Pingelly Health Centre
Emergency services, domiciliary care, hospice and nursing home care.
- Quairading Health Service
Emergency services, domiciliary care, hospice and nursing home care.
- Southern Cross Health Service
Emergency services, domiciliary care, hospice and nursing home care.
- Wagin Health Service
Emergency services, domiciliary care, hospice and nursing home care.
- Wongan Hills Health Service
Emergency services, domiciliary care, hospice and nursing home care.
- Wyalkatchem-Koorda Health Service
Emergency services, domiciliary care, hospice and nursing home care.
- York Health Service
Emergency services, domiciliary care, hospice and nursing home care.
Great Southern Region

The Great Southern Health Region is organised around the Albany Health Campus as the major ‘hub’ for public health services. A range of regional services are co-ordinated from Albany to support the Integrated District Health Service in Katanning and smaller hospitals, multi-purpose services and nursing posts throughout the region.
This network of services provides a continuum of care for residents and visitors and allows for patients to be transferred to the more specialised, larger hospital in Albany or metropolitan tertiary hospitals, where required.
This level of integration enables the appropriate and safe care of patients in suitably equipped and appropriately resourced facilities, according to the acuity of the patient. This allows the patient to receive care closer to home, where possible, and reduce the need to travel to Perth for treatment.
- Albany Health Campus
Emergency department, surgical centre, psychiatric unit, cancer centre, geriatric assessment unit, maintenance renal dialysis unit, obstetric services, paediatric services, special care nursery and a rehabilitation unit.
- Denmark Health Service
Emergency services, domiciliary care, hospice and nursing home care.
- Gnowangerup Health Service
Emergency services, domiciliary care, hospice and nursing home care.
- Katanning Health Service
Emergency services, imaging, domiciliary care, hospice and nursing home care.
- Kojonup Health Service
Emergency services, domiciliary care, hospice and nursing home care.
- Plantagenet Health Service
Emergency services, domiciliary care, hospice and nursing home care.
- Ravensthorpe Health Service
Emergency services, palliative care and a nursing home care unit
Mid West Region

The Mid West Health Region is organised so that Integrated District Health Services support the smaller hospitals in the region to deliver care and, when required, transfer patients to the more specialised, larger hospitals in Carnarvon and Geraldton or metropolitan tertiary hospitals.
This level of integration enables the appropriate and safe care of patients in suitably equipped and appropriately resourced facilities, according to the acuity of the patient. This allows the patient to receive care closer to home, where possible, and reduce the need to travel to Perth for treatment.
The Geraldton Health Campus is the primary public hospital facility in the Mid West region, supported by the smaller Carnarvon Health Campus. Both of these hospitals support smaller regional hospitals in Exmouth, Dongara, Kalbarri, Morawa, Mullewa, Northampton, Three Springs and Meekatharra, as well as the region’s remote clinics.
Geraldton is also the base of the region’s only private hospital facility – St John of God Hospital.
- Carnarvon Health Campus
Emergency, renal dialysis, community mental health and child health, obstetrics, a domiciliary care unit, a nursing home care unit and outpatient facilities.
- Dongara Eneabba Mingenew Health Service
Emergency services, domiciliary care, hospice and nursing home care.
- Exmouth Health Service
Emergency, community mental health and child health, a domiciliary care unit, a nursing home care unit and outpatient facilities.
- Geraldton Regional Hospital
Emergency department, domiciliary care unit, geriatric assessment unit, maintenance renal dialysis unit, obstetric services, oncology unit, paediatric services and a rehabilitation unit.
- Kalbarri Health Centre
Emergency services, domiciliary care.
- Meekatharra Hospital
Emergency services, a domiciliary care and a nursing home care unit.
- Morawa Perenjori Health Service
Emergency services, domiciliary care and nursing home care.
- Mullewa Health Service
Emergency services, domiciliary care and nursing home care.
- North Midlands Health Service
Emergency services, domiciliary care and nursing home care.
- Northampton Kalbarri Health Service
Emergency services, domiciliary care and nursing home care.
- St John of God Hospital
60 Bed
Private hospital providing general medicine, general surgery, plastic surgery, ENT, faciomaxillary, ophthalmology, orthopaedics, urology, maternity, oncology and palliative care.